Gallbladder Friendly

Gallbladder Health backed by Science

Gallbladder Friendly is an online platform rooted in both, Scientific & Holistic methodologies to bring you a well rounded approach to healing and treating gallbladder disease, whether you want to heal your gallbladder naturally or have opted for surgery and desire to treat your current symptoms. We offer a supportive community, medical and holistic expert speakers, as well as educational material to support you in your journey.

Bienvenida a Gallbladder Friendly

Gallbladder Friendly es una plataforma en línea basada en metodologías científicas y holísticas para brindarte un enfoque integral para curar y tratar la enfermedad de la vesícula biliar, ya sea que desées curar tu vesícula biliar de forma natural o hayas optado por la cirugía y desées tratar tus síntomas actuales. Ofrecemos una comunidad de apoyo, médicos expertos y holísticos, así como material educativo para apoyarte en tu camino a sanar :)





The Gallbladder Friendly Course is for people who…

  • Have been diagnosed with gallstones or desire to treat gallbladder disease ( gallstones, sludge, polyps, Sphincter of Oddi Imbalances, or post-removal symptoms such as: Hair loss, dry skin, digestive problems, fat malabsorption, deficiencies etc)

  • Are experiencing gallbladder pain, have developed fear around food, are avoiding fat in their meals and do not know what to eat for their current needs.

  • Are struggling to find proper gallbladder educational material (for both, post removal + natural treatments)

  • Are struggling to access comprehensive and scientific support for their gallbladder needs

  • Have a low budget for health alternatives and proper gallbladder education

  • Need easy access to health care support

As a member of our Gallbladder Friendly Course, you will receive access to:

  • An assessment to help you pin point what type of gallbladder challenges you are facing: The Gallbladder Spectrum*

  • Educational Course materials, participate in Live Calls with Experts in the field, (surgeons, physicians, bio-chemists, nutritionists, health coaches, resources catered to the three primary gallbladder types as well as post-removal educational material.

  • Education on: basic anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, hormonal health, gallstone formation, digestion, how to treat gallbladder disease, a large recipe portal and community, tips of healing and proper foundational for body detoxification.

  • Live community Q+A sessions for support

Course price: $22 / month

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Únase a la lista de espera del curso amigable con la vesícula biliar: Español

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